Easy squid tricks and pranks with Vagrant
For April Fools this year, I decided to update my 2011 squid prank, and gain some experience using Vagrant at the same time. I rebuilt the entire environment using a Vagrantfile, which permits anybody to check out a few files and reproduce it. See https://github.com/funkypenguin/squidprank for the code.
As before, I invert the occasional image and change Google’s language to Klingnon (less effective now that HTTPS is common). Edit prank.pl and let your imagination run wild
Brief summary is provided you have virtualbox and vagrant, establishing the VM with squid, redirector, arpspoof etc is automatically done using “vagrant up”. The only prompt you’ll get on establishing the box is for an ethernet adapter to used in bridged mode (to do the traffic spoofing / interception).
Refer to the README for more details on getting started.